november 2023 - what we're psyched on ...
november 2023: what we're psyched on ...
“still have room” by hockey dad
our mates billy & zach from Hockey Dad just released a new single that we have on repeat. and they’re coming all the way from windang, nsw, australia for a tour in usa/canada next year as well. definitely give this a spin …
check it out here:
urbana cafe – cincinnati, ohio, usa
surprisingly, this month’s coffee is from cincinnati, ohio. we know, not exactly a place known for coffee, but on a recent trip through ohio, checked out this shop urbana, which is amazing. our pick: colombia rosé fermented honey coffee from their newest experimental line - with notes: blood orange, kiwi, & honey, and processed via fermented honey.
check it out here:

lucy’s – new orleans, louisiana
when in new orleans, check out jimmy buffet’s favourite bar and now our fav spot as well: Lucy’s Retired Surfer’s Bar. we felt right at home after we saw an Pat Rawson board hanging at the main bar. jimmy buffett described it best: “Lucy’s is a surf bar in the middle of New Orleans, where nobody surfs — which, if you think about it, is totally appropriate for New Orleans.” if you're feeling brave, order the scorpion shot. and def try the local favourite, the shark attack: a strong tropical concoction of 4 liquors, sour mix, and a plastic shark.
check it out here:
bwrag (Big Wave Risk Assessment Group) summit – north shore, oahu
it’s winter again in hawai'i, our fav time of year … and also time to refresh emergency response skills, surf safety, and risk management skills for big wave season. this course saves lives & helps plan for the worst case scenarios in the water. BWRAG are now training surfers all around the world, but they’re back for the annual summit on the north shore of oahu this year on dec 2-3/2023. see you there! sign up here:
from the 2018 bwrag summit
our friend ricardo taveira, apnea coach/big wave surfer/dive master from hawaii eco divers needs help. there is a new bill (bill 19) that prohibits commercial activities on the north shore of oahu between hale’iwa & turtle bay resort, so he is no longer able to teach classes there. his class has saved numerous lives and continues to keep the community safer. those of you who taken his course, know how much of a game changer it is and how much his training helps. anyone who has taken his course or trained with him, please reach out to him to help provide a few lines of support for his cause and help get his permit re-granted
kona's choice:
quayle's brewery - coldwater, ontario
we love dogs and love dog friendly spots. Kona gives quayle’s a 5 star review. great beer, good vibes, the best outdoor dog hangout in orillia in the fall. try these: the cabin fever or fiddle & field on tap.
check it out:
“thank you mother” – torren martyn/ishka folkwell
we love mid length twins & following torren martyn’s latest adventures ... a bit behind on this, but how good is this edit? produced by needessentials, film by torren martyn & ishka folkwell.
check it out here: